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Higley Unified School District Homes for Sale and Real Estate in Gilbert AZ

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Today higley unified school district, Gilbert AZ is count around 24 homes for sale at current average listing price of $664,567. Nearby neighborhoods of higley unified school district are Ashley Heights, Cooley Station Parcels 10 And 17 Phase 2, Power Ranch Neighborhood 9 Parcel 1 Condominium Am, Willows, Chaparral Estates, Cooley Station North Parcel 1 Various Lots Replat, Cooley Station North Parcel 3 Amd, Cooley Station Parcel 15 Phase 1, Fincher Fields At Cooley Station Amd, Freeman Farms Phase 2 Parcel 1. Most of higley unified school district homes are 4 bedrooms with 3 bathrooms.