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Shaw Butte School school Homes for Sale and Real Estate in Phoenix AZ

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Today shaw butte school, Phoenix AZ is count around 28 homes for sale at current average listing price of $339,221. Nearby neighborhoods of shaw butte school are Cortez Canyon Condominiums, Canyon Foothills, Cox Meadows 1 Lot 1-31 106-111, Preston Heights, Villas On North Mountain Unit 101-172, Cherry Hill Townhomes Lot 1-21 Tr A-F, Cox Meadows 3 Lot 228-293 & Tr B, Desert Cove Extension Lots 5-12 21 24-28, Hacienda Del Vista, Hacienda Del Vista Unit 1-46. Most of shaw butte school homes are 3 bedrooms with 2 bathrooms.